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5 Sep. 2023

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The Association of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies NT (AADANT) invites you to their Annual General Meeting in Darwin.

Wednesday 22nd November 2023 at 10AM
AADANT Offices, 8/52 Marina Boulevard, Larrakeyah NT


  1. Confirmation of minutes of the 2022 AGM
  2. Presentation of Special Purpose Financial Reports and Organisational Reports
  3. Election of Office Bearers
  4. Appointment of Auditors
  5. Other Business

Please RSVP your attendance to by Wednesday 15th November close of business.

Please see agenda here.

Light refreshments will be provided.

Join us virtually on Teams:

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 489 620 856 383
Passcode: 53v5Fc

Board nominations are now open, please use the form here if you would like to nominate for the AADANT board.

All board nominations must be received no later than 7 days before the date of the AGM (Tuesday 14th November Close of Business)