Quarterly NT Alcohol-Related Indicators Released
The Northern Territory Government is committed to improving our research, data and evaluation initiatives in order to ensure our efforts to reduce alcohol related harm are successful. The Government is continuing to work and implement evidence-based programs to reduce alcohol-related harm in individuals, families and communities.
Responses to alcohol-related harm must be evidence-based in order to successfully tackle the causes of harmful alcohol use and minimise the harm to the community. This means our data needs to be accurate, is able to be linked to other datasets and easily accessible.
Research on alcohol consumption, misuse, harm and addiction needs to be comprehensive, contemporary and reliable in order for government and service providers to make informed and effective decisions.
The following indicators are used by the Northern Territory Government to measure alcohol-related harm. To view the relevant dataset please click the links below:
- overall consumption rate
- alcohol-induced deaths
- alcohol-related assaults
- alcohol attributable instances of serious road injury and death
- alcohol-related emergency department presentations
- drink driving
- domestic violence alcohol-related assaults