We Can Do This therapeutic tool for Indigenous Clients using Methamphetamine
We Can Do This is a web-based therapeutic tool to help Aboriginal people who want to cut back or stop methamphetamine (ice) use. It can be used by individuals alone or in a counselling setting. It has seven modules that use evidence-based treatment approaches which are culturally appropriate.
Who can use it?
- Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people 3 Aged 16 or over
- Who are using ice regularly.
- OR Are you a service provider interested in using the tool with clients?
We provide a clinician therapy guide and support! Please contact Dr Rachel Reilly, Study Coordinator, South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute on 0416 119 129 or email rachel.reilly@sahmri.com
What Happens?
Participants using the tool will be asked to complete 4 brief surveys over 3 months, either online or over the phone. They receive vouchers to thank them for their time ($25 for surveys 1 and 2, then $30 and $40).
Who designed it?
• Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal clinicians and researchers.
• Aboriginal senior representatives from diverse Aboriginal regions.
• Aboriginal people with lived experience.
For more information please visit https://wecandothis.com.au/