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23 Nov. 2020

MEDIA RELEASE: Admission of guilt by former BRADAAG CEO an opportunity for Tennant Creek to move forward


23 November 2020

The Association of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies NT (AADANT) is the peak body for non-government Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) treatment services in the Northern Territory (NT). We represent over 20 organisations providing drug and alcohol treatment and support to families and clients throughout the NT.

The Barkly Region Alcohol and Drug Abuse Advisory Group (BRADAAG) is a non-profit, community-based organisation providing alcohol and other drug (AOD) services in Tennant Creek and the surrounding areas. 

Over the course of this week, the former CEO of BRADAAG, Stewart Naylor, surrendered himself to Alice Springs Police to plead guilty to defrauding the organisation of nearly $250,000 over a period of eight years prior to leaving the organisation in 2016.  AADANT condemns this offending behaviour, noting both the illegal redirection of resources intended for the delivery of treatment services and the resultant impact on the reputation of BRADAAG. 

BRADAAG, under the direction of current CEO Pauline Reynolds, continues to work tirelessly within the Barkly Region to ensure delivery of, and access to, high level support services for people who use alcohol and other drugs. 

AADANT welcomes the opportunity for closure of this chapter of BRADAAG’s history and wishes to express our complete support for the organisation moving forward.


Media Contact:
Peter Burnheim, Executive Officer
8943 0608