DRAFT Northern Territory Alcohol Action Plan
This Northern Territory Alcohol Action Plan (the Action Plan) is guided and informed by the National Alcohol Strategy 2019-2028, and sets out actions to reduce alcohol-related harm for Territorians, whilst recognising that the provision and consumption of alcohol are legitimate activities. The over-consumption of alcohol and its consequences are complex issues. We know that the best outcomes are achieved when Government, community and industry work together, share information, expertise and local knowledge, implementing approaches that have strong local support, and are community-led. This Action Plan will be founded on partnering with communities to manage alcohol and prevent and minimise alcohol-related harms among individuals, families and communities. Everyone has a role in reducing alcohol-related harm in the Northern Territory (NT). Responses to alcohol-related harm must be evidence based in order to successfully tackle the causes of harmful alcohol use and minimise the harm to the community.
DRAFT Northern Territory Alcohol Action Plan