Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Services National Minimum Data Set (AODTS NMDS) Resources
The Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Peaks Network are committed to developing a nationally consistent approach to alcohol and other drugs data collection. They have developed resources to assist all AOD peak members across Australia to participate in quality data collection and reporting. We encourage all AOD workers in the specialist AOD treatment services sector to familiarise themselves with the definitions of the data elements in the AODTS NMDS and how they are applied in practice. The Network have developed an eLearning module to facilitate improved understanding and confidence for AOD workers in the AOD sector. This can be used as part of the induction and orientation for new staff, or as a refresher for existing staff.
There are also PowerPoint Slides and accompanying Participant Handouts based on training that has previously been provided that will allow you to run an in-service in your organisation/and/or AADANT can provide it for you.
To access the eLearning modules, please visit QNADA's website here.
If you would like more information please contact Katie Flynn, project worker 8943 0608 or email